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Mental taining

Optimise your way of thinking!

Originally from the world of sport, many managers now also use mental training successfully. But it is also becoming increasingly popular in the private sphere, as it is a very effective method for finally getting rid of annoying habits such as smoking, freeing yourself from fears or simply gaining more self-confidence.


"You are what you think"


The power of our thoughts is powerful, they cannot simply be switched off, sometimes we feel downright at their mercy. Unfortunately, our brain doesn't care whether we actually experience a situation or simply imagine it! When we imagine something, the same cells are active in the brain as when we actually do it! New findings from brain research show that when we have negative thoughts, the synapses in our brain that are responsible for unpleasant feelings become more and more powerful and the synapses that are responsible for contentment, relaxation and happiness become weaker and weaker!

But - fortunately - it also works the other way round: positive thoughts make us more optimistic and strengthen the "good" synapses again. 


Thoughts lead to physical reactions. An example: If you think about an unpleasant situation, do you notice how your body tenses up and your pulse quickens? Thinking about it the other way round, we can "beam" ourselves into another situation with the help of our imagination. This means that if we find ourselves in an unpleasant situation, e.g. at the dentist, we can imagine that we are lying on our favourite beach. The more of our senses are involved, the better - in our imagination we can hear the sound of the sea, smell the salty air and feel the sun on our skin.

How does mental training work?

Our subconscious accounts for 80 - 90 % of our total consciousness, i.e. most of the processes in our everyday life are controlled fully automatically by our subconscious. Our fears, unpleasant experiences and conflicts are also stored here. We can modify these feelings with mental training. 


Take claustrophobia, for example: anyone who suffers from claustrophobia panics in a confined space.

This person does not realise where this fear comes from. With mental training, this person can now practise coping better with this situation.


The aim is therefore not to find the cause of the fear, but to experience this situation without fear. In contrast to psychotherapy, the approach of mental training is solution-orientated. The client does not have to re-imagine the possibly frightening situation, but gradually learns, through various techniques such as hypnosis, to no longer perceive the situation as threatening. By the way, this is not so-called show hypnosis! In hypnosis, the client is merely deeply relaxed and actively involved in finding a solution. They can end the session at any time and remember everything in detail afterwards. If you still have reservations: There are also other mental training techniques in which the client is fully awake and which also work very well.

How can you personally benefit from mental training?

Mental training can not only help with anxiety, but also with finally achieving goals, getting rid of annoying habits and realising your full potential. With targeted mental training, you can develop new ways of thinking and habits. Professional athletes and top managers have been using these techniques for a long time.


Mental training has been proven to have a positive effect on health and well-being. A healthy self-esteem and confidence through good thoughts lead to a better quality of life.

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